Inspired by Profesor Nutty
How would I feel if I was Professor Nutty,
looking at a feeling of emptiness inside a square TV,
trying to find love, inside a jar of M&Ms,
only to be filled by inflammation and joint pain.
How would it feel to eat ice cream,
with my spine leaning forward,
how would I feel, if I were
to carry emotion heavier than a plane
or an anvil,
How would I feel,
if I was only able to touch
the flesh of food, chimichurri steak, papaya,
microwaved fried chicken, marshmallows,
steamed canned gravy, persimmons,
but not be able to touch the skin of another person?
How would I feel if my bones
became a mattress,
made of wet cat hair?
How would I feel if I got up
regardless, and droned to the kitchen?
I would feel
my sticky dandruff
secreting pollen into the lit
liminal space between my body
and the open refrigerator
while jazz music trembles inside
the walls of my brain, I ask,
How would we feel, if when we felt like this,
if we could look a stranger in the eye,
and how would we feel, if we said hi,
how would we feel,
if we asked for what we wanted,
how would we feel if we said,
can I give you a hug?