If I die today
while on a work trip
I want people I love to know
that I wasn’t feeling angsty.
I want you to know
that I had a good time.
I woke up and took good care of myself,
I didn’t argue with my co-workers,
I had pleasant conversations
and learned some good things about myself.
We were driving to have a really good organic meal
and the accident was completely out of my control
since I was writing this letter
instead of
looking at the road,
and I PROMISE you,
I didn't want to go but
since it happened,
I must say,
it was quick and easy
like a clean ashtray,
that's how it was
my last day
here on Earth.
The only reason why I'm writing this letter,
is because I give myself the impression
that I have bad days
and I know you know,
work trips are STRESSFUL
and I don't want you to think
my last hours on this planet
were not full of HAPPINESS
until of course, the unfortunate car accident
due to the Florida flooded fevers
and my boss' distracted driving.
I love you so much